Metal Mania

Metal Mania

Coloring Objects to look like Metal  I hope you have been practicing up on your coloring skills. For this tutorial, we are going to talk about coloring metal like objects.  You can use any of your alcohol markers to accomplish this. Metal object are really fun to color. As you know, Copics don’t come in metal colors. The look is...Read More

Change It Up – Texturing

Jennifer Dove's Copic Corner - Texturing Texturing can be so amazingly fun to do when you are coloring with your Copics (or other alcohol based markers). I would like to share with you some different ways to texture. In this tutorial we will concentrate more on texturing fur. There are many different ways to create texture. One way is...Read More
Only Skin Deep

Only Skin Deep

Jennifer Dove’ Copic Corner - Coloring Skin Coloring skin is fun to do and there are so many color choices to use.  I hope this article simplifies things for you as you delve into coloring images with people.  We have already talked about coloring hair in the past article.  I skipped ahead of things with that article because when you are coloring...Read More
Hair Today…Gone Tomorrow

Hair Today…Gone Tomorrow

Jennifer Dove's Copic Corner - Hair Image contributed by Simply Betty  - It’s fancy seeing you here again, at the Copic Corner. The next few tutorials I will write are going to get you started on coloring images of people. We will go over different color choices and different styles of coloring. This article is all about coloring...Read More
It Is Just All The Same…Colors

It Is Just All The Same…Colors

Jennifer Dove's Copic Corner - Monochromatic Welcome back to the Copic Corner.  I thought we would talk a little about coloring monochromatically. Some of us are just getting started and only have a limited amount of pens to start off with, so this technique will be perfect for you.  The monochromatic color scheme uses variations in lightness and saturation...Read More