Hello Friend

Do you ever feel intimidated by an image?  Some people think images that have a lot of detail are way above their coloring skills.  Well I find that the less detailed images can prove to be harder.  Those wide open spaces where you have to work on a smooth blend are the ones that can get you.  
DoveArt images already have detail in them and for this images, and many like it I literally scribbled in the color and didn’t worry about a smooth blend.  Sometimes I think we overthink things!  This stamp is a new release from Whimsy Stamps.  I will be showing how quickly we can color this image in classes in both Phoenix and at Yosemite retreat.  We will get to play a bit with airbrushing the background to match the theme as well.  
For this card I used the new Two Flag die from La-La Land and the Say Cheese frame from Lawn Fawn.  I love the impact of this card, yet allowing for simplicity don’t you?
Y15 Y35
YG03 YG63 YG67
B00 BG000
W1 W3 W5
Airbrush machine and B00 YG03

Here is another edition of this stamp for inspiration.  I love the versatility of the different seasons.

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