I Lick You Very Much

Ever like making cards to make someone chuckle?  This image makes me giggle every time I see it.  Little Miss Muffet Stamps (Barb) was apart of this fun little game called “Dibs” and this is the Monster Dibs.  The joke is if you lick it, others won’t want it.  People make cards and post them to Facebook…if you like it so much you want it, you “Dibs” it…thus the Dibs Monster was created.  Does this mean the card is going to mysteriously show up in your mailbox…most likely not, but it is a fun way to say “I love what you made”.

R20 R21 R22
C1 C3 C5 C8
E42 E43 E44 E49
R14 R27 R46 R59

7 thoughts on “I Lick You Very Much

  1. I can't get enough of this one! too funny and sorta gross, but I know my boys would get a laugh out of it :>) Great take on the sketch and FAB coloring skills!!! Thanks for joining in the fun at LMMS :>)

  2. Super sweet card Jennifer and a great take on our sketch challenge! Your colouring is fab and the sentiment made me laugh lots! Many thanks for joining in at Little Miss Muffet Challenges 🙂 Donna ♥ x

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