Who Go There!

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I also wanted to show my owl I drew on my iPad.  I love my iPad.

7 thoughts on “Who Go There!

  1. Jeezus McCreezus Jenn… looks like you and The boss are doing some electronic competition here…Don't tell the boss, but your owl is better than his monkey… EGAD! I hope I don't get fired.
    Christmas Hugz,

  2. Ok, now you're just showing off! That is amazingly real looking. You really CAN draw on that darn thing! Off to put together a card for the Stampendous color challenge!

  3. Jen, you're amazingly talented! I just showed our daughter your work and she agreed. I also showed her the strawberries we did in class. She was sweet enough to tell me, "your getting good at this mom." *laughing* I told her I had missed my last two classes because of staying through the holidays with her – that's how much I loved her.

    She smiled as she walked out the door to catch a train to NYC (and left me here to watch her dog). I guess I'll have to find another form of guilt *laughing*

    Seriously, Jen, this Owl is is amazing. And the fact that you did it with a drawing package on your iPad just makes me happy! My husband bought me a new MacBook Air since I've been here. That, my 27inch stand alone Mac and my iPhone – I love technology!

    Merry Christmas Jen and Happy New Year. Your a talented artist and a great instructor.


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